PPC Flexible Packaging Proudly Supports Cooperativa Integral Agrícola Mujeres 4pinos

In the central highlands of Guatemala a group of women are working together to better their families, communities, and lives through Cooperativa Agricola Integral Mujeres Cuatro Pinos (Integrated Women’s Agricultural Cooperative), an agricultural co-op for women whose aim is to support production activities and social development for small farmers in the region.

PPC Flexible Packaging proudly makes annual donations to the Juan Francisco Foundation, a supporter of Cooperative Integral Agricola Mujeres Cuatro Pinos.

The co-op grants stability to women in the region. Prior to its creation these women sold at local markets where they faced many obstacles including inconsistent demand, low and unstable prices, difficulties in transportation and distribution, a lack of production infrastructure, technology and

Now they are able to grow snow peas, green beans, zucchini and mini carrots which they process, package and export to the United States and Europe, earning them a larger and more reliable income.

To achieve food safety standards the women’s cooperative is supported by Cuatro Pinos Cooperative laboratory which performs microbiological chemical analysis and sampling to guarantee the reliability of the products. The cooperative packing plant facilities are equipped to international standards and aims to generate 125 to 150 permanent jobs with a capacity of exporting two full containers per week.

In 2019 the Women’s Cooperative produced 9,500,000 pounds of produce, with the participation of 525 associates cultivating a total extension of 448 hectares and has generated around 1,500 jobs.

Cuatro Pinos Cooperative has also provided additional support including personal benefits for the women and community aid including medical missions, scholarships, elementary school, and computer classes for children and adults.

Said one of the women in the co-op, “Now I have the opportunity to study, we built our house with my husband. I thank Cooperativa Integral Agricola Mujeres Cuatro Pinos and Cooperativa Agrícola Integral Unión de Cuatro Pinos for all the support they have given us, it has been a great blessing for us.”

PPC Flexible Packaging is proud to be able to support these women, and carry on the legacy of donating annually in honor of Temkin PPC’s late founder Danny Temkin.